Stalemate in Air France Pilots' Row Threatens World Cup Chaos

May 30, 1998 - 0:0
PARIS The threat of World Cup air chaos loomed Friday as Air France pilots refused to budge in a row over pay that is expected to ground the majority of the airline's flights next week. No new offers have been made, said the flag carrier's main pilots' union, the SNPL. Management is seeking a solution through conflict. The SNPL issued a statement after the failure of the latest talks Thursday evening between Air France and the unions, which plan up to two weeks of strikes from Monday June 1, the last day of a three-day holiday weekend.

Air France chief Jean-Cyril Spinetta meanwhile urged a quick settlement ahead of the June 10 to July 12 showcase tournament expected to bring 2.5 million foreigners to France for matches between the 32 competing teams. The elements are there to open and to conclude negotiations, Spinetta said on radio. This is what I sincerely hope for as it will determine the future of Air France and of its image, notably during the World Cup. The SNPL has issued a two-week strike call from June 1 that would coincide with the kick-off of the four-yearly football event.

Five smaller pilots' unions have called stoppages from June 1 to June 4. (AFP)