Changes in Mideast leadership since 1999

January 17, 2006 - 0:0
Beginning with the death of Jordan's King Hussein in 1999, at least 11 countries in the Middle East have seen leadership changes:

• February 1999: King Hussein dies and is succeeded by his son, who becomes King Abdullah II.

• March 1999: The emir of Bahrain, Sheik Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa, dies and is succeeded by his son, Sheik Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

• June 2000: Syrian President Hafez Assad dies and is succeeded by his son, Bashar.

• April 2003: U.S.-led invasion topples Saddam Hussein. Selection of a new government is pending.

• November 2004: United Arab Emirates President Sheik Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan dies and is replaced by his eldest son, Sheik Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

• November 2004: Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat dies and is succeeded by Mahmoud Abbas.

• February 2005: Lebanese Prime Minister Omar Karami quits under pressure after the assassination of former prime minister Rafik Hariri. He is replaced by Najib Mikati, then by Fuad Saniora.

• August 2005: Crown Prince Abdullah becomes king of Saudi Arabia upon the death of King Fahd.

• Jan. 4: Sheik Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the emir of Dubai, dies and is succeeded by his younger brother, Sheik Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

• Jan. 4: Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is incapacitated by a stroke and is replaced on an interim basis by his deputy, Ehud Olmert.

• Jan. 15: Sheik Jaber Al Ahmed Al Sabah, the emir of Kuwait, dies. Crown Prince Sheik Saad Al Abdullah Al Sabah assumes the throne. Source: Associated Press