Operations will continue until PJAK is destroyed: Iran

October 9, 2011 - 15:55
altTEHRAN – Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi announced on Sunday that security and intelligence operations against the counter-revolutionary group PJAK (the Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan) will continue until a total annihilation of terrorists. 

“Our actions against the PJAK group will continue until complete obliteration of this terrorist group. God willing, this terrorist group will be eradicated,” Moslehi told the Mehr News Agency on Sunday.   

The PJAK group was established in 2003. Its camps and bases are mostly located in Iraq, near the border with Iran. PJAK uses Iraqi Kurdistan’s soil as a safe haven for organizing terrorist actions against the Islamic Republic. 

On July 11, after the escalation of PJAK’s terrorist actions in northwestern Iran, military forces mounted a large-scale offensive against the group and killed, wounded, and arrested dozens of them. 

On September 21, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps announced that it has restored complete control over the northwestern borders after clearing PJAK terrorists out of the region. 

Later it was announced that PJAK terrorists have stopped conducting terrorist activities in border areas.  

On September 30, the IRGC said that PJAK has retreated from the heights near Sardasht, West Azarbaijan Province.