Kazan festival to screen six films from Iran

July 17, 2017 - 19:2

TEHRAN – Six Iranian films will be competing in the 13th Kazan International Festival of Muslim Cinema, which will be held in the Tatarstan capital from September 5 to 11.

“Off-Key” by Amir Purkian will be competing in the feature films category, the organizers have announced.

In the short films category, “Voice” by Dariush Najafigol will go on screen.

“Overruled” by Iranian filmmakers Farnaz and Mohammadreza Jurabchian and “Papeli” (“Butterfly”) by Mehdi Zamanpur Kiasari are two films to go on screen in the full length documentary films competition.

The short documentary films “Light, Shadow, Life” by Shahriar Purseyyedian and “Bakhshi” by Reza Gholami-Motlaq will be screened at the event.

A selection of 60 films from 27 countries will be competing in the festival this year.

Photo: A poster for “Papeli” by Mehdi Zamanpur Kiasari


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