Romain Puertolas’ “Extraordinary Journey” translated into Persian

August 30, 2017 - 19:0

TEHRAN – French author Romain Puertolas’ “The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir Who Got Trapped in an Ikea Wardrobe” has recently been translated into Persian by Abolfazl Allahdadi.

Published in 2013, the book tells the story of a 38-year-old fakir who tricks his local village in Rajasthan, India into believing his special powers and into paying him to fly to Paris to buy a bed of nails from an Ikea store.

The book was translated into English in 2014 and has become an international bestseller sold in 36 countries.

Qoqnus Publications in Tehran is scheduled to release the book in the near future.

Photo: The front cover of the English version of French author Romain Puertolas’ “The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir Who Got Trapped in an Ikea Wardrobe”


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