White House unveils 'new strategy' for Iran

October 13, 2017 - 19:20

The Trump administration announced a "new strategy" for dealing with Iran that involves issues falling outside of the "myopic" nuclear agreement, the White House said Friday ahead of Trump's announcement of his plan for the deal.

That strategy will focus on Iran's ballistic missile testing, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps - an arm of the Iranian military- and what it calls Iran’s “destabilizing” activities in the region, the administration said.

"The Trump administration's Iran policy will address the totality of these threats from and malign activities by the Government of Iran and will seek to bring about a change in the Iranian's regime's behavior," the White House said, according to Washington Examiner.

Trump is expected to apply particular pressure to the IRGC. The IRGC, like many other Iranian issues, did not fall under the provisions laid out by the Obama administration in the nuclear agreement.

"We will work to deny the Iranian regime — and especially the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) — funding for its malign activities, and oppose IRGC activities that extort the wealth of the Iranian people," the White House said. "We will rally the international community to condemn the IRGC's gross violations of human rights and its unjust detention of American citizens and other foreigners on specious charges."

"Most importantly, we will deny the Iranian regime all paths to a nuclear weapon," it claimed.

Trump is expected to decline to certify the Iran nuclear deal during a speech on Friday, although he is not expected to scrap the deal altogether.

The president has previously described the agreement as an "embarrassment" to the U.S. and the "worst deal ever negotiated."

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