By staff and agency

Next round of Astana talks to be held in December

November 28, 2017 - 19:17

The eighth round of talks on the settlement of the crisis in Syria may be held in the Kazakh capital Astana on December 21-22.

“Tentatively on December 21-22, these dates are being agreed on so far,” a source close to negotiations told Sputnik on Tuesday.

Iran, Turkey and Russia brokered the Astana dialogue on Syria and the first five rounds of the talks were held on January 23-24, February 15-16, March 14-15, May 3-4 and July 4-5.

The sixth round of talks were held on September 13-15. The seventh round was held in October 30-31.

In the fourth round of the talks a document on creating de-escalation zones in Syria was signed.

According to the document, the de-escalation zones include Idlib province and part of the provinces of Latakia, Hama and Aleppo, the area to the north of Homs, Eastern Ghouta, as well as Deraa and Quneitra provinces in southern Syria.

Armed forces in Iraq and Syria, backed by popular mobilization units and Iranian military advisors, have managed to flush Daesh militants out of their last strongholds in both countries, declaring full victory over the notorious group.


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