By Manijeh Rezapoor

Fajr Music Festival to offer over 90 performances in Tehran

December 4, 2017 - 18:22

TEHRAN – Over 90 performances by 85 bands will be going on stage in different sections of the 33rd Fajr Music Festival opening in Tehran on January 10, 2018, the director of the festival, Hamidreza Nurbakhsh, said on Monday.

In a press conference held at Vahdat Hall, Nurbakhsh elaborated on different programs arranged for the 10-day event.

The performances will be held at Vahdat Hall, Rudaki Hall, the Niavaran Cultural Center, Azadi Tower, Milad Tower and the Iranian Events Center.

“12 regional music groups will give concerts, while innovations by young artists are expected in this section,” Nurbakhsh said.

In addition, two groups composed of female musicians have also been selected to perform in the regional music category.

“Six performances have been arranged for the Islamic Revolution section, in which nostalgic pieces of the early days of the victory of the revolution will be presented,” he said.

The international section will also have active participation with a variety of music from different nations by groups coming from Senegal, Japan, Serbia, China and Slovenia.

“The celebrated Italian jazz musician Francesco Cafis, Turkish musician Erkan Ogur, who is considered a pioneer of fretless guitars, and Portuguese folk music singer Ricardo Ribeiro are among the invited foreign musicians who will brighten up the festival this year,” Nurbakhsh explained.

The Indian sitar player, Shahid Parvez Khan, has also been invited to give performances this year.

A number of Iranian pop stars have also been scheduled to do some gigs during the event.

Photo: The director of the 33rd Fajr Music Festival attends a press conference at Tehran’s Vahdat Hall on December 4, 2017 to brief the media about the festival. (Mehr/Majid Haqdust)


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