Fajr livens up capital Tehran with more performances 

January 21, 2018 - 19:59

TEHRAN – The fourth day, Sunday, of the 36th Fajr International Theater Festival saw a number of performances from Iran, Germany, France, Belgium and Azerbaijan.

“Hamlet” by Christopher Ruping from Germany went on stage in the main hall of the City Theater Complex. Charsu hall of the complex hosted the play “7 p.m. on the Seventh Day of Autumn” by Ayyub Aqakhani from Iran, and “Laundry of Legends” by Jassem Hindi from France was staged in the other hall of the complex.

Iranshshar Theater Complex played host to “Big Mouth” by Valentijn Dhaenens from Belgium. 

Spanning history from 400 BC up to 9/11, “Bigmouth” juxtaposes speeches from different people who advocated the same themes or were attempting to achieve the same result. He has left events from the last decade alone so that the audience has some sense of objectivity and distance from the subjects.

In addition, director Behruz Gharibpur took the “Khayyam” opera puppet show on stage at Tehran’s Ferdowsi Hall on Sunday. The puppet show focuses on the life story of the Persian mathematician, astronomer and poet, Omar Khayyam (1048-1131).

Other Sunday performances included “Tehran, Under the Wings of the Angels” by Nader Borhani Marand and “Household Chores” by Narges Behruzian.

“Entre-Cabanes”, an exposition by Ramona Poenaru and Gael Chaillat from France set up at the Tehran Book Garden in the off-stage section, is one of the highlights of the festival.

The 36th Fajr International Theater Festival will be running until January 29.

Photo: A scene from “Khayyam” opera puppet show directed by Behruz Gharibpur  (Mehr/ Asghar Khamseh) 


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