Entrepreneurship ecosystem paves way for creative industries: VP

May 13, 2018 - 20:8

TEHRAN – Entrepreneurship ecosystem provides a great opportunity for the young generation and facilitates development of creative industries, Sourena Sattari, vice president for science and technology said on Saturday.

Sattari made the remarks during the opening ceremony of Iran’s science, soft technology and cultural industry national park in Tehran.
“Creative industries have a five thousand year background in Iran and our ancestors manifested their feeling through creating different handicraft,” Sattari added, science and technology vice presidency public relation reported.

“Iran has invested in education of young generations, however, more efforts should be done to promote their innovation by creating an appropriate ecosystem,” he said.

He pointed to the important role of universities in development of creative industries, adding that the imported industry and university courses harm creative industries.

Sattari also named Persian carpet as a creative industry, which originates from the heart of country and would improve with more appropriate infrastructure.

He said that no investment should be made by the government on entrepreneurship ecosystem.

“Creative human resource is the most valuable item in entrepreneurship ecosystem and private sector investors, incubators and accelerators are its other crucial factors,” he said.


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