Iran’s oil production stands at 3.737m bpd in July: OPEC

August 15, 2018 - 9:39

TEHRAN- According to OPEC’s latest monthly report published on August 13, oil production in Iran stood at about 3.737 million barrels per day (bpd) in July, falling 56,300 bpd from 3.793 million bpd in June, based on secondary sources.

The OPEC’s report also announced Iran’s oil output based on direct communication. It said the country’s oil production in July increased to 3.806 million bpd, a 4,000 bpd rise from 3.802 million bpd in June.
Meanwhile, the report put the country’s average heavy oil price at $71.44 in July, a $0.25 or 0.3 percent decrease from $71.69 in June.
The report put average Iranian heavy crude price at $67.56 since beginning of 2018 up to the report publishing day.


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