'Kurds are one of us': Leader 

May 11, 2024 - 22:14

TEHRAN - In a meeting with Iraqi Kurdistan Region President Nechervan Barzani, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei emphasized the close bonds between Iran and the Kurdish communities outside the country. 

"We consider the relations between us and the Kurdish community, both in Iran and Iraq, to be closer than those with any other nation," Ayatollah Khamenei stated. "They (Kurds) are one of us," he told Barzani.

Details of the Monday meeting were published in an article by the Khat-e-Hezbollah (course of Hezbollah) weekly on Friday. 

President Barzani, in a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian later that day, praised his productive and problem-solving encounter with Ayatollah Khamenei.

“Considering the statements by the Leader today and also the issues raised in today’s meeting with Mr. Raisi, the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, we will make maximum efforts and cooperation to fulfill our mutual interests in our bilateral ties, including in the economic and commercial fields,” Barzani said.

He acknowledged Iran's unwavering support for the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and praised the role of the late anti-terror icon, Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani in regional security.

"Since we believe Iran's security is tied to the security of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, the Kurdish region will never be a point of threat against the Islamic Republic of Iran," Barzani emphasized.

He also highlighted the progress made in implementing the security agreement between Iran and Iraq, an expressed the Kurdistan Region's commitment to its full implementation.

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