MP: World witnessing failure of Washington’s “maximum pressure” against Iran

October 19, 2019 - 22:0

TEHRAN – Spokesman for presiding boards of the Iranian Parliament has highlighted Iran’s resistance against hegemonic powers, saying that the world is now witnessing the failure of the U.S. “maximum pressure” approach against Iran.

Asadollah Abassi said, “Our nation’s resistance against hegemonic powers has never been fragile, so we take next strides strongly towards prosperity.”

“The U.S. imagined that it could overthrow the Islamic Republic by applying utmost pressure policy against Iran during last year, therefore, it did whatever it could against Tehran,” Abassi said.

“The country’s all-out development under sanctions is testifying that the U.S. has suffered defeat in the policy of (maximum) pressure against Iran.”

In relevant remarks on Tuesday, President Hassan Rouhani decried the U.S. sanctions on Iran’s people as a “crime against humanity”. However, he said, the Islamic Republic is moving towards full self-sufficiency despite pressures.

“The U.S. has committed crimes against humanity and taken an act of economic terrorism by imposing sanctions on Iran, Rouhani told the conference of the health ministers of the Eastern Mediterranean countries in Tehran.


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