An interview with Mehrdad Sedghi

Damages to Satire Works

April 8, 2023 - 18:1

Mehrdad Sedghi is one of the greatest satirical writers in our country. He owes his fame to his book, Cardamom Candy, with all the nostalgic elements he used in it. He was born in Bojnurd City in 1977, and he’s currently a Ph.D. student. 

* What made you decide on satirist, and when did you start working in this field? 

I started writing satirical as a hobby when I was a student, but after a while, I felt that I could work in this field more seriously. I participated in several writing festivals that had a comedy section and won awards. I have a good sense of humor, but I have a serious character, and I don't joke until I get to know others completely.

* Did you think that it would be possible to make money through writing satire?

Honestly, I still don't think that it is possible to make a lot of money by writing books. Although it is much better now than before, there is still a long way to reach the ideal point.

* Explain a little about your books. With which book did you become well-known?

The Cardamom Candy won many awards and was seen more than my other books. In this book, the story of the life of a Bojnorudi family in the old days is depicted and the bitterness and sweetness of the 60s is narrated by the little boy of this family who has a mischievous and sweet behavior.

* According to many experts, contradiction is the first key to the success of a satirical work. How much have you used this technique in your books?

I use the technique of contradiction in my works of course, but this is not the only technique used by me and other satire writers. In order to create a humorous situation, I use methods such as repetition, expectation, exaggeration, zooming in and zooming out, etc.

* What damage is being done to satirical writing today?

Nowadays, there is much damage done to satirical writing, which includes falling into the trap of the audience's taste, politicization, lack of study and literary background, the use of weak language, and excessive reliance on social media and networks. Writing for more likes, using casual situations and inappropriate literature.

* What do you think about comedy festivals?

Comedy festivals can be very stressful for young comedians and writers who are just starting, but at the same time, they should be aware of their two disadvantages. One, who wins should not be so proud and happy and should consider it merely as a temporary confirmation. Also, whoever does not win, should not think that the world has come to an end or that he cannot be a writer or humorist.

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