Coup plot in Yemen nipped in the bud, IRGC says

December 6, 2017 - 20:27

TEHRAN – Iran’s Revolution Guards Corps Commander Mohammad, Ali Jafari, said on Tuesday that a coup plot against the Houthis in Yemen was nipped in the bud.

Jafari’s comments came a day after Yemen’s former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, was killed while escaping from the capital, Sana’a, to Ma’arib Province. His death came days after he broke alliance with the Houthis and said he wanted to open a new chapter in relations with Saudi Arabia. That had angered the Houthis as Saudis have bombed their country for over two years.

“Unfortunately, the traitorous Saudis have been involved in conflict with other Muslim countries in the region and seek to undermine the Islamic countries’ security and create division which are backed by the U.S. and Israel,” the IRGC chief remarked.

Jafari noted that the people in regional countries have learned lessons from the Islamic Revolution and refuse to bow to blackmailing.

Speaking after the death of Saleh, leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, said that the movement had managed to foil a major threat to the country’s security by defeating the plot hatched by Saleh and his forces, Press TV reported.


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