By M.A. Saki

Has Saudi Arabia gone mad?

August 11, 2018 - 14:3

The Saudi-led coalition is committing crimes in Yemen one after another. In a new airstrike on Thursday, a bus was targeted as it was carrying children from a summer camp in a busy market area in the northern Majz district.

According to reports, 50 children were killed and 77 injured in the strike. According to the CNN, the International Committee for the Red Cross said a hospital it supports in northern Saada province had received 29 bodies of “mainly children” younger than 15, and 40 injured, including 30 children.

The attack came a week after a Saudi-led airstrike hit a busy fish market and the entrance to the country's largest hospital, Al-Thawra, in the port city of Hodeidah, killing 55 civilians and wounding 170 others.

These brutalities, which are nothing short of war crimes or crimes against humanity, are being committed and led by a country which is the homeland of Islam and houses Islam’s holiest shrines of Mecca and Medina.

Regrettably, these crimes are taking place at a time that Saudi Arabia is hosting millions of Muslims from across the world for the annual Haj pilgrimage.

Now people around the world have the right to ask: What are the differences between the Saudi-led crimes in Yemen and those committed by terrorist groups such as Daesh (ISIL) in Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq, or the genocide done by General Ratko Mladic in Bosnia-Herzegovina from 1992 to 1995?

Before the new family takes the helm in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia was considered a place for settling disputes between Muslim states. However, that situation has completely changed and Saudi Arabia itself has turned into a criminal state and a source of problem.

Not yet stopping germinating Islamic extremism through its Wahhabi ideology, the Saudi government has unashamedly resorted to acts which have caused pains in the hearts of Muslims and non-Muslims in the world.  

The hotheaded Saudi Royal family and its accomplices, mainly the UAE, have already created the world’s worst humanitarian crisis in Yemen by the war that they launched on the poor country in March 2015. According the UN, three-quarters of Yemen’s 22 million population are in desperate need of aid. A disproportionate and cruel use of force against these people is creating tragedy after another tragedy.

Committing crimes of this magnitude in order to impose an obedient regime on Yemenis is horrible and unspeakably shameful. It must now be ashamed of itself. The Saudi kingdom may not know that it is committing suicide through such savage behaviors.

The public opinion in the world is now asking whether Saudis and its accomplices in Yemen are going mad!  


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