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No country can terminate nuclear deal unilaterally: Mogherini

October 17, 2017 - 19:42

European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini has said that the 2015 nuclear agreement is a deal that no country can “terminate” unilaterally.

“It is a deal that no country can “terminate” unilaterally: it is not a bilateral treaty, but a Resolution of the United Nations’ Security Council,” she said in an article published on her website on Monday.

“Last Friday, after talking to U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and after listening to President Trump’s speech, I recalled the European Union’s full support to the deal,” she added.

“This morning I spoke to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Director, Yukiya Amano: he confirmed once again that Iran is fulfilling all its commitments related to the deal, and that the IAEA continues to have full access to all sites it asks to inspect for its work of verification and monitoring.”

Mogherini plans to visit Washington for talks on nuclear deal

Mogherini also said that she is scheduled to visit Washington in November and meet with members of the Administration and of Congress.

The European Union issued a statement on Monday after a foreign ministers meeting in Luxembourg insisting the 27-nation bloc is committed to the “full and effective” implementation of the nuclear deal.

Also British Prime Minister Theresa May and EU President Jean-Claude Juncker issued a statement on Monday saying they had had a "broad, constructive exchange" on a range of issues - including the need to preserve the Iran nuclear deal.

U.S. President Donald Trump officially announced on Friday that he will not certify Iran’s compliance to the nuclear deal and used harsh language against Iran.

Trump threatened to “terminate” the JCPOA if he could not “reach a solution working with Congress and our allies” to change the nuclear deal.

After Trump’s speech, Amano reconfirmed that Iran is fully implementing its commitments under the nuclear deal.

The nuclear deal was signed during the Obama administration between Iran, the U.S., Britain, France, China, Russia, Germany, and the European Union in July 2015 and went into effect in January 2016.