Iran to stand beside Iraq in post-Daesh era: Jahangiri

March 10, 2018 - 10:46

TEHRAN - Iranian First Vice President Es’haq Jahangiri said on Thursday that Iran is ready to stand beside the Iraqi government and people in post-Daesh time to help reconstruction of the country.

Iran has always stood beside the Iraqi people and government in difficult times, he said during a meeting with Iraqi President Fuad Masum in Baghdad.

Jahangiri noted that Iran considers Iraq’s security its own security.

He said that Iraq plays a “remarkable” role at the international arena.

Elsewhere, he attached great importance to protecting Iraq’s unity and integrity.

Masum, for his part, said that unity is an important element to maintain Iraq’s integrity.

He said that Iraq will not forget Iran’s help in fighting terrorists and called for cooperation in reconstructing Iraq.

Iraq welcomes Iran’s investment in economic projects, he added.

In a separate meeting with Salim al-Jabouri, the Iraqi parliament speaker, Jahangiri said that the Iraqi government and people proved that a nation can defeat terrorism through resistance and unity.

He reiterated that Iran will stand beside Iraq in any situation and will support the country’s integrity. 

During a separate meeting with Iraqi Vice President Nouri al-Maliki, Jahangiri said that “domestic integrity” for Iraq is the prerequisite to maintaining integrity.

“Foreigners will interfere in Iraq’s affairs if there is no integrity and convergence in the country,” he noted.

Commenting on Iran-Iraq relations, he appreciated the fact that the two countries have “growing” ties.

Maliki, in return, described bilateral relations as “strategic” and called for expansion of ties.

Also, in a Wednesday meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Jahangiri said that a comprehensive economic document is required for Iran and Iraq to expand relations.

He stated that commonalities between the two countries can provide the grounds to expand relations.

He also said that Tehran and Baghdad have “strategic” political relations.

Abadi, for his part, said that Iran-Iraq ties cannot be weakened.

He further asked for expansion of relations in political, economic and cultural areas.