Tehran set to host 30th national crafts exhibit in August

August 12, 2018 - 10:39

TEHRAN – Craftspeople from every corner of Iran will promote skills in the 30th National Crafts Exhibition, which will open at the Tehran Permanent International Fairground on August 25 and will run until August 31.

The Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization has designated halls no. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 25 to host exhibitors from 31 provinces, CHTN reported. 

“It is the second year that this event is to be held concurrent with the national carpet exhibition, which has brought many fruits for the household predominantly in the handicraft sales,” CHHTO deputy for handicrafts Pouya Mahmoudian said.    

The exhibit will feature arrays of personal ornamentation, woodwork, illuminated manuscript, miniature, textile printing, enamel, leatherwork, handwoven textile, calligraphy, traditional musical instrument, metalwork, and marquetry to name a few. 

Over the past couple of years, dozens of high-quality Iranian handicrafts have been honored with UNESCO seals of excellence.