Tehran center to review Qajar era photography

December 14, 2019 - 18:43

TEHRAN – The Iranian Academy of Arts will be playing host to a meeting on Monday, which plans to review the history of photography in the Qajar period (1789–1925).

The session has been organized to celebrate the 177th anniversary of the arrival of photography in Iran.

Photographer Mohammadreza Tahmasbpur, and scholars Reza Kasravi, Kamran Safabakhsh and Niayesh Purhassan are scheduled to deliver speeches during the meeting. 

The advent of photography occurred in Iran about three years after its invention in 1839 during the last years of Qajar king Mohammad Shah’s reign.

The first photo in Iran was taken in 1842 by Russian diplomat Nicolai Pavlov and was of Mohammad Shah and the royal family.
Afterwards, Nasser ad-Din Shah, Mohammad Shah’s successor, showed great interest in photography and sent several groups of talented students from Dar-ul-Fonun, the Iranian polytechnic institute established in 1851, to European academies to learn the art.

Photo: A poster for the Iranian Academy of Arts’ review session for the history of photography during the Qajar period.