Iraqi Construction Coalition agrees that Abdul-Mahdi stay in power

January 13, 2020 - 20:9

The Construction Coalition, the biggest bloc in the Iraqi parliament, has agreed that caretaker PM Adel Abdul-Mahdi stay in power, the Iraqi media reported on Monday, quoting sources.

The coalition agrees that Abdul Mahdi continues to work as prime minister if the Iraqi Kurdistan authorities back the decision, the media said.

The sources said if Abdul-Mahdi succeeds to win the favor of Kurds for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, the Construction Coalition would agree that he stay in power.

On 5 Jan 2020, Iraq's parliament passed a resolution that asks the government to end the presence of foreign troops in the country. 

On 29 November 2019, after weeks of violent protests, Abdul- Mahdi announced that he would resign his post. The Iraqi parliament approved his resignation on 1 December 2019. However, he will continue on in a caretaker role until parliament approves a full-time replacement.

Meanwhile, on 26 December 2019, Iraqi President Barham Salih submitted his resignation to parliament after refusing to designate the nominee for the premiership, Assad al-Eidani, arguing that he would rather step down than appoint the position to a figure strongly rejected by protesters.