By Damir Nazarov

The war will have an impact on the course of the Israeli elections: Agel Salah

February 28, 2020 - 16:20

We talked to the Professor Agel Salah about the latest issues in the Palestine occupied territories and the conflicts between the Zionist regime and the resistance groups, as follows:

Q: Why didn't Hamas join the Palestinian Islamic Jihad at the time of the military response after the killing of Baha'i Abu al-Atta?

A: Initially, Hamas in the Gaza Strip is besieged in all directions and realizes the suffering of the Gazan people as a result of the blockade imposed on it and its inability to break the blockade. Therefore, Hamas has its own calculations related to politics, economy, regional and international relations. In the event that Hamas’s military intervention in response, the battle will turn into a broad war Hamas does not want it, and Israel also does not want the war because it got what you want from the assassination of the leader Abu Al-Atta, and because the war will have an impact on the course of the Israeli elections, in addition to the role played by the Egyptian intelligence and the State of Qatar in calming the situation and the paper of reassurances Qatar provided by Hamas and continuously increase its aid if they do not resort to expand the circle of response to the war.

Q: In your opinion, why does Hamas not hold elections in Gaza?

A: If the intended legislative and presidential elections, Hamas realizes that it cannot take place in conducting these elections, which means complete separation between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and the formation of a new body that does not enjoy local, regional and international legitimacy. Not to mention that it will be a factor of pressure, criticism and popular retreat in support of Hamas, and it will show Hamas that it applies the policy of Israel and the United States of the century deal, which considers the state in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under Israeli sovereignty; therefore, Hamas cannot take this suicidal political step.
But if the intention is student, union, and union elections, Hamas realizes that the blockade and pressure by the authority, Egypt, and Israel have created a miserable situation in the Strip, which has resulted in a state of aversion to Hamas for this reason. You find that the percentage of popular support for Hamas in the sector is small because it bears responsibility for the poor economic conditions of the people, and for this reason You cannot win in these elections, unlike the West Bank, which retaliates from the ruling party - the Fatah movement - and elects the Hamas movement and refrains from electing the Fatah movement to bear the consequences of the corrupt government and the favorable economic conditions of the people. In the West Bank and Gaza, both the Fatah movement and the Hamas movement pay the bill for bad governance.

Q: What prevents the Palestinians from organizing resistance in the West Bank?

A: There are many reasons that stand in the way of armed resistance in the West Bank, the most important of which are:

1. The occupation of the West Bank by Israel. After the second intifada, Israel reoccupied the cities in the West Bank and returned to direct action through pursuit, arrest, demolition, and assassination.

2. The security coordination between the Palestinian Authority and Israel and the provision of essential information by the Palestinian Authority’s authorities to Israel concerning armed groups, which frustrated hundreds of armed operations, and this is recognized by the Palestinians and Israel.

3. Fighting movements and parties by the Authority and Israel in the West Bank that support the resistance by all means and prohibiting these organizations and their activities, even political and popular.

4. Trapping these organizations financially by closing their charitable and social and relief societies and institutions, and drying the financial artery of these organizations through arrest and the laws of the authority by preventing financial transfers and other various means in preventing the financing of any operation against the occupation.

5. Continuous detentions in the West Bank of the leaders and members of these movements by the Authority and Israel, interrogating them and cooperating in the exchange of information between the Authority and Israel.

6. In addition to besieging arms smuggling and trade, which raised the price of arms, so that the price of a single piece has exceeded tens of thousands of dollars, which cannot be provided under the financial blockade and financial control over the movement of internal and external bank accounts by the Palestinian Authority.

7. The head of the pyramid policy in the authority of President Mahmoud Abbas, who stands strictly against military action and the non-launch of a new intifada, and this is clear by not cutting security coordination despite the announcement of the deal of the century and the annexation of Jerusalem and other Egyptian issues that have been written off.

Q: It is Known that a number of Palestinian organizations are operating in Syria on the side of the Assad government, do you think they have the potential to fight Zionism from Syria?

A: Yes, there are many Palestinian organizations present in Syria, including those who worked to support and support the Syrian army against terrorist groups through participation in operations, and some of them stood beside the Syrian state politically because they were convinced that the war on Syria is a war led by Israel and the United States of America to destroy the Syrian state to punish it for its support of the movements Lebanese and Palestinian armed forces operating against Israel. The Palestinian movements are convinced that the war against Syria is a war against the axis of resistance and on Palestine.

As for armed action against Israel from the Syrian territories, it is not possible at the present time due to the surrounding reality in Syria and the conditions in which the Syrian state lives. Therefore, Syria compensates this through training, material, moral, and military support and hosting these movements on its soil to regulate its military capacity in the West Bank and Gaza.

Q: You've probably heard about the new al-Sabireen Movement in the Gaza Strip. It is known that Hamas banned the activities of this organization, why do you think Hamas took this step?

A: Initially, the Al-Sabreen movement was a newly established movement that was founded by officers who came out of the Islamic resistance, specifically from the Islamic Jihad movement, and this movement belongs to Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah in terms of education, Shiite ideology and organizational management, and therefore Hamas movement besieges this movement for many fundamental reasons, including:

1. This movement arose before the Iranian-Hamas rapprochement, that is, reconciliation and the return to normal relations between Hamas and Iran; therefore, Hamas feared that this movement would become a substitute for cooperation between it and Iran, and Iran would dispense with the Hamas movement, which stands as a dagger in the side of Israel.

2. This movement receives significant financial and military support from Iran in light of the financial blockade that applies to Hamas and the Gaza Strip. In light of the Sabrians ’movement possessing large amounts of funds, it can extend and attract many members of Islamic and national jihadi organizations, particularly from Hamas, which increases support and popular support for it. Hamas's account becomes a rival to the movement as it did with the Islamic Jihad movement.

Therefore, Hamas does not want to repeat the experience of Islamic Jihad, which has become today the second organization in the sector after Hamas in terms of number, military capacity and others.

3. That Hamas has its own calculations of governance in the sector, relations with Sunni states, and the special understanding that links the movement to the mother movement, the global Muslim Brotherhood, which stands against Shiism and does not support Iran.

4. At the present time, after the Iranian-Hamas rapprochement, Hamas eased the pressure on the Al-Sabreen movement in order to satisfy Iran and not anger it, and all this depends on the progress and decline of Hamas’s relationship with Iran. The more the Iranian-Hamas rapprochement decreases, the pressure on the followers of Iran and vice versa.