Doctors monitoring “Salman Farsi” crew for possible coronavirus exposure: Sima Films 

March 14, 2020 - 18:38

TEHRAN – All crew members of the TV series “Salman Farsi” are being checked by a medical team for the new coronavirus and the accessories are being disinfected every day, Sima Films said on Saturday.

The film production studio affiliated with the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) made the remarks in a press release in response to some Persian articles reporting on what it is producing that the crew members of the international project are under the threat of the new virus infection.

The Iranian House of Cinema and the Cinema Organization of Iran have ordered all cineastes to stop their projects in the line with the government’s policies to prevent the spread of coronavirus.   

Iran’s Screen Directors Guild has recently sent a letter to IRIB Managing Director Ali Aliasgari, criticizing the organization for ignoring the measures in the country to slow the virus.

“Undoubtedly, if IRIB will not stop its film projects, you and other IIRB senior managers will be responsible for coronavirus infection or death among the members of the series’ crews,” the association noted.

Iran has also canceled all theatrical and musical performances and shut down movie theaters due to coronavirus. The country has also postponed the 33rd Tehran International Book Fair and the 38th Fajr International Film Festival.

Meanwhile, director Davud Mirbaqeri is still continuing the filming of “Salman Farsi”, which is about the life story of the Iranian companion of the Prophet of Islam Muhammad (S), Salman Farsi, on location on Qeshm Island in the Persian Gulf.

The crew is scheduled to leave Iran for Turkey to take secens of the series in the country. They will then return to Iran to resume shooting on location in the Iran Television and Cinema Town, formerly named Ghazali Cinema Town and Varamin, located 43 kilometers south of Tehran.

Photo: A scene from director David Mirbaqeri’s TV series “Salman Farsi”.