Tehran, Ashgabat highly willing for expansion of trade ties: Iranian envoy

July 29, 2020 - 15:5

TEHRAN- Iranian ambassador to Turkmenistan said that Turkmen like Iranians are highly willing to expand trade relations between the two countries, IRNA reported.

Gholam-Abbas Arbab-Khales stated that the two sides making many efforts for preserving and even boosting bilateral trade exchange despite many restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic is an indication of their willingness in this regard.

Iran’s Incheboroun railway border crossing with Turkmenistan was reopened after four months on June 23 when a cargo train carrying 30 wagons of cement consignment for export to Turkmenistan left Iran, the spokesman of Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) announced.

Rouhollah Latifi said that it was the third border crossing reopened between the two countries after the long time closure, Mehr news agency reported.

The IRICA spokesman also announced that 101 more wagons were waiting to export products to Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan through Incheboroun railway border crossing.

Garmsar–Incheboron railway, with a length of 495 kilometers, links Garmsar in the north-central province of Semnan to Incheboron in the northeastern province of Golestan. It extends to Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan and links Central Asia to the Persian Gulf and beyond.

Iranian Transport and Urban Development Minister Mohammad Eslami said that reopening the border for trade between Iran and Turkmenistan was the result of mutual commitment, Fars news agency reported.

He underlined that reliability and mutual commitments have played a key role in the reopening of Iran-Turkmenistan shared border.

Earlier in June, Eslami had said that Tehran has always sought to strengthen relations with Ashgabat by removing barriers, adding that a new chapter in relations between the two countries has begun after making progress in implementation of joint projects.