By Amir Mohammad Esmaeili

Psychologist describes America as a society in which ‘trained Marxists’ are against supremacists 

October 19, 2020 - 22:33
“A prerequisite for a nomination from a major political party is an unwavering devotion to Zionism and Israeli interests over American interests.” 

TEHRAN - Walt Peretto, an American analyst and sociopolitical psychologist, tells the Tehran Times that although Donald Trump is seen by his followers as opposing globalist agenda, he is “completely controlled by these same Zionist-globalist interests.”

“The political violence we are seeing in the United States this year is being largely promoted by power elites with the complicity of their mainstream media,” Peretto notes.
He says, “Agents of the power elites like George Soros are funding ‘left-leaning’ groups sometimes led by “trained Marxists” promoting the notions of fighting systemic racism, White supremacy, and encroaching fascism.” 

The sociopolitical psychologist stresses that money, power, and media are three key factors which play a crucial role in presidential elections in the United States, saying, “No candidate, no matter how competent and well-intentioned, will get anywhere near the White House without international financial backing and deep-pocket mainstream media promotion.”

“The Electoral College was also supposedly designed to guard against a candidate winning the popular vote who was not approved of by powerful people.” 

Following is the full text of the interview.

Q: Some experts warn that the U.S. is on the edge of a civil war. The U.S. was already seeing a surge in political violence. In August, the FBI put out a bulletin that warned of a possible escalation heading into the election. What is your taking on it?

A: Some elites throughout the centuries have evoked the Latin term Ordo Ab Chao (order out of chaos). When pathological people are attempting to maintain or increase control of large populations, they sometimes create chaotic events to distract populations while they stealthily advance their secret agendas. The political violence we are seeing in the United States this year is being largely promoted by power elites with the complicity of their mainstream media.  Agents of the power elites like George Soros are funding ‘left-leaning’ groups sometimes led by “trained Marxists” promoting the notions of fighting systemic racism, White supremacy, and encroaching fascism.

A small but significant portion of these protesters has stepped over the line to commit vandalism, harassment, and violence within a general climate of diminished law enforcement and media disinformation. At times, the mainstream media have implied that neo-Nazi, White supremacists, or White advocate groups are behind most of the violence, but on-the-spot camera phones and other recording devices seem to tell a different story. The globalist elites prefer the ‘left’ ideology to surface and predominate due to its emphasis on heavy government control over society which plays well into the impeding one-world government agenda. 

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is seen by his followers as opposing this globalist and authoritarian agenda with emphasis on American autonomy and greatness. But in fact, Trump is completely controlled by these same Zionist/globalist interests and he merely plays the role of controlled opposition. In the meantime, it’s likely that the elites intend to keep giving the ‘left’ more room to commit violence in order to advance their agenda and provoke right-leaning and independent citizens into counteracting, which would increase the rate of violence and destruction. If this occurs, either the Trump or Biden administration may bring in Federal or international troops to line the streets. With omnipresent soldiers on the streets, this can open up many possibilities for the international financial elites and their pathological/technological/globalist/one-world government agenda. 

Q: Given the experience of previous American elections, the influence of the Electoral College has always been a challenge to American democracy. What is your opinion?

A: The Electoral College was established upon the founding of the U.S. to give less populated States a more equitable voice with larger population States. Each State receives a certain number of delegates based on their population and presidential candidates vie for these delegates based on the popular vote within each State. Then it gets a bit mysterious. Supposedly delegates can go against the popular vote and make a different choice. The Electoral College was also supposedly designed to guard against a candidate winning the popular vote who was not approved of by powerful people. 

“The U.S. presidential election scheduled for November 3 is hardly democratic at all. The common people had little influence in choosing Donald Trump or Joe Biden to be the only two candidates with a chance for the presidency. Both were selected by powerful international elites who have a vested interest in who resides in the White House for the next four years.”

Additionally, Democratic voters tend to be against the Electoral College because many Democrats live in more populous States and more urban centers---while Republican voters tend to live in more rural areas and less populated States so they are largely in favor of the Electoral College. Donald Trump would not be president right now without the Electoral College, so Republican voters would like to see the system remain as is. Compared to other so-called democracies around the world, the U.S. Electoral College stands out as quite unorthodox.

Q: Can the U.S. election be considered a fully democratic? 

A: The U.S. presidential election scheduled for November 3 is hardly democratic at all. The common people had little influence in choosing Donald Trump or Joe Biden to be the only two candidates with a chance for the presidency. Both were selected by powerful international elites who have a vested interest in who resides in the White House for the next four years. These international elites largely represent the money-creation cartels based primarily in the ‘City of London’ financial district in the UK. Similar cartels have controlled the U.S. economy through the Federal Reserve System since 1913 and are now largely in control of the federal government and the entire mainstream media. With air-tight media control, they can easily promote the candidates of their choosing over any challengers. A prerequisite for a nomination from a major political party is unwavering devotion to Zionism and Israeli interests over American interests.

Q: Why do minor political parties have such little success in U.S. election campaigns?

A: If the election playing field were fair and even, American voters would likely choose candidates who were honest, intelligent, competent, mentally healthy, and have their best interests at heart. Ideally, the election process would be made up of competing candidates with many ideas backed by multiple political parties. The ruling elites will have none of this. Instead, they create an illusion of choice through a duopoly of two major parties that they can easily control and then pit them against each other. This keeps most people’s political psyche occupied with the thought that if only we can elect the right leader the country will run efficiently, honestly, and with maximum benefit for the common people. However, not everyone buys into the two-party system and many do seek alternatives within the electoral system. 

This results in the creation of minor political parties and independent candidates that may hold ideas contrary to the interests of the ruling financial elites. To uphold this illusion of democracy, minor political parties are free to form and operate, but with limited financing and virtually no media attention, they have no chance of success. Additionally, individual states make the process of getting a candidate’s name on a ballot prohibitive through expense, signature gathering, and other obstacles depending on the State.   

Q: How do money, power, and media affect the presidential election?

A:  Money is essential to run a major campaign---and you need an almost unlimited supply of it.  With unlimited resources and air-tight mainstream media control, the financial elites can always steer their candidates into the finalist positions before Election Day. Then and only then do the people vote for which Zionist-backed candidate will take the presidency. 
Money, power, and media, profoundly affects the outcomes of presidential elections in the United States. The elites use their power and media to create theatrical productions that at times seem indistinguishable from show business---and it seems to have similar distractive effects. No candidate, no matter how competent and well-intentioned, will get anywhere near the White House without international financial backing and deep-pocket mainstream media promotion.