South Africa: Israel acting with impunity in Gaza

February 27, 2024 - 21:38

South Africa’s foreign minister says Israel is pressing ahead with its deadly military campaign in Gaza with impunity, blaming the UN for failing to stop the killing of civilians in the besieged Palestinian territory.

“Israel is acting with impunity against the people of Palestine and there is no enforcement available to the international community. This is a real concern because today it might be Palestine and tomorrow it  might be an African country,” Naledi Pandor said. 

She added, “The United Nations has to really reflect very thoroughly on the fact that it is unable to protect the innocent and consider what it does beyond peace monitoring in order to ensure peace enforcement. That is what the people of Palestine need today; peace enforcement to ensure that we do not see more killings.”  

Pandor made the comments in response to a question whether she hopes the International Court of Justice will take further measures to hold Israel accountable for its crimes in Gaza.