Iran parliament enraged at U.S. move on JCPOA

May 9, 2018 - 20:7

TEHRAN – Iranian parliamentarians on Wednesday denounced the U.S. exit from the 2015 multilateral nuclear agreement, introducing a motion that calls for "proportional and reciprocal" action by the government.

MP Mojtaba Zonnour, who heads the nuclear committee in parliament, said the motion asks President Hassan Rouhani to secure "necessary guarantees" from the remaining signatories.

If the guarantees by Germany, France, Britain, Russia and China are not met, Iran should resume high-level uranium enrichment, the lawmaker said, Press TV reported.

During the Majlis’ Wednesday session, Speaker Ali Larijani said Trump's decision to leave the JCPOA and re-impose anti-Iran sanctions was a violation of the accord that would isolate the U.S. 

‘Crude and foolish’

Larijani, once Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, described U.S. President Donald Trump's remarks as "crude and foolish," saying his abandoning of the nuclear deal was a "diplomatic show”. 

"It seems that Mr. Trump does not have the mental capacity to deal with issues and the language of force is more effective for this person so that he could face the consequences of his arrogant personality," Larijani stated.

Parliament Speaker Larijani says Trump doesn't have 'mental capacity' to deal with issues

Unless Europe, Russia and China fill this international vacuum, he said, "The Islamic Republic will bring him (Trump) to his senses with its nuclear measures."

The top Iranian parliamentarian said the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran needs to be fully prepared to resume all nuclear activities and take countermeasures following the Foreign Ministry's talks with the European Union.

"Under the current situation, Iran has no commitment whatsoever to be put in a position it was in the past as regards the nuclear issue," Larijani said, adding, "I am not sure whether the European signatories of the deal will fulfill their promises."  

Elsewhere in his remarks, Larijani said the Iranian people are required to stand together in the face of the "greedy, covetous and unscrupulous" enemy.

During the session, some parliamentarians mounted the podium to set copies of the nuclear deal and the U.S. flag on fire.