Washington has proven it is not trustworthy to negotiate with, Foreign Ministry says

‘U.S. not as crazy as going to war with Iran’

July 30, 2018 - 20:42

TEHRAN – Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman on Monday dismissed the possibility of a war against Iran by the United States, saying, “I doubt that America is so depleted of wise men that it would make such a terrible blunder.”

Speaking at a weekly press conference, Bahram Qassmi pointed to Iran’s military power as well as the rich history and culture of the nation, saying such points of strengths act as deterrents against the possibility of a U.S. aggression.

Qassemi also rejected the idea of Tehran-Washington talks amid such heightened levels of tension, saying, “We don’t want to hold negotiations with them… America shows every day that it’s not trustworthy.”

“The U.S. has proved to be untrustworthy and a non-reliable partner for any job.”The U.S. may wish to hold talks with Iran, but after its illegal withdrawal from the nuclear agreement and its hostile policies against Iran, no talks will be on agenda, he stated.

“The U.S. has proved to be untrustworthy and a non-reliable partner for any job,” he added.

The spokesman also predicted that the U.S. administration’s aggressive anti-Iran policies would continue. However, he said, the Iranian nation will thwart U.S. President Donald Trump’s plots and will emerge victorious in such struggle.

On May 8, Trump announced Washington's pullout from the nuclear deal and ordered “the highest level” of economic bans on the Islamic Republic.

In recent days, tension between Iran and the U.S. has soared to a new high, as top authorities from Tehran and Washington exchanged warnings and threats.

On Thursday, IRGC Quds Force Commander Major General Qassem Soleimani warned that the U.S. may begin a war against Iran, but it is Iran which will “end” it.

Qassemi says Trump’s hostile policies have united different factions in Iran.Soleimani was reacting to U.S. President Donald Trump’s all-caps tweet addressed to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, in which he threatened the Islamic Republic with actions “the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before.”

The tweet came after President Rouhani warned the U.S. against its hostile approach against Iran, saying Washington should know that “peace with Iran will be the mother of all peace while war with the country will be the mother of all wars”.

Qassemi also said Trump’s hostile policies have united different factions within the Islamic Republic, and that the enemy “must hear a unified voice from Iran, which is resistance against the enemies.”

He also said the Foreign Ministry has close cooperation with different state bodies, including the Islamic Revolution Guardian Corps (IRGC).