Iran strongly condemns Israeli air strikes on Gaza, Damascus

February 26, 2020 - 16:48

TEHRAN – Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi strongly condemned on Tuesday the Zionist regime of Israel’s air strikes on Gaza and Damascus.

He expressed regret over the international community’s passivity towards Israel’s “war crimes”.

Mousavi also pointed to the Israeli military’s “inhumane” desecration of the body of a Gazan man killed by the regime’s forces, saying this “brutal” action shows the Israeli occupiers do not respect the most basic human rights.

The Foreign Ministry spokesman hailed the Palestinians’ legitimate resistance and brave resistance in the face of the Israeli occupation. 

Resistance and national unity are the only option for the Palestinians to fight the occupying regime, he noted.

Israel has carried out airstrikes against the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in Gaza and Syria.

The Islamic Jihad resistance movement fired dozens of rockets and mortar rounds towards the Israeli-occupied territories after the regime’s forces killed one of its fighters on Sunday morning.

According to Press TV, a video later went viral on social media showing what appeared to be the lifeless body of the resistance fighter dangling from an Israeli military bulldozer as it removed the corpse, in what human rights activists have denounced as a “war crime” and a blatant violation of international law.

Israeli fighter jets and helicopters also attacked Islamic Jihad targets across Gaza as well as in neighboring Syria, with the Palestinian movement reporting that two of its fighters had been killed in the raids near Damascus.