Iran's UN ambassador: It's highly unlikely that Trump would resort to nukes against Iran

January 10, 2021 - 15:49

TEHRAN – Iran's envoy to the United Nations says it is highly unlikely that U.S. President Donald Trump would use nuclear arms against Iran during his last days in office.

"The U.S. president has done a lot of weird things over the past years, raising concerns that he may do something unexpected, even in the final days of his presidency. But given the current international atmosphere, including (the atmosphere) within the United States, towards Trump’s possible decisions and measures in his final days in office, I personally find it highly unlikely that Trump would cause concerns, especially with regard to the issue of nuclear action," Majid Takht Ravanchi said in an interview with the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations website, Press TV reported.

However, the Iranian envoy said, since Trump is an unpredictable person, nothing should be ruled out, and “we should be vigilant and ready.”

On the recent movements by the U.S. military in the Persian Gulf, Takht Ravanchi dismissed the moves as “mischievous” and said Iran should be ready to counter possible threats but anticipated no new act of adventurism.

He also noted that there is not much difference between the Democrats and Republicans when it comes to foreign policy.

“For instance, the use of sanctions against Iran has continued under both Democratic and Republican administrations in the U.S.,” he said. “Hence, to say that the new administration will abandon the use of sanctions may not reflect reality.”

Tehran’s ambassador to the UN then pointed to Trump’s humiliating actions towards European leaders and his harsh policies toward China, saying while the administration of president-elect Joe Biden may be subtler in its conduct, it will not completely change course.

“We will see a series of policies that may be different on the surface, but they are, deep down, a continuation of the same policies and there will be no U-turn in this regard,” the envoy said.