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Saman Travel Insurance Services

June 29, 2021 - 14:17

People planning to travel from Iran to other countries should purchase travel insurance as one of their first steps. Saman Insurance Company is one of the best companies in Iran for providing travel insurance services. Before leaving Iran, you must purchase travel insurance and pay the applicable premium based on your age, duration of travel, and destination country. Saman Insurance offers a variety of travel insurance options, each with its own set of benefits.

One of the most important aspects of travel insurance is that it covers medical expenses for those who suffer an illness or accident while traveling. This coverage can be used for outpatient treatment as well as when a person is hospitalized or in a medical center. Dental emergencies are also covered under Saman Travel Insurance.

Indeed, in order to travel to some countries, including Canada and the Schengen countries, you must purchase travel insurance before going to the embassy to obtain a visa, so you must do so before applying.Travel insurance cannot be purchased while traveling, so you must have a good idea of the duration of your travel. Furthermore, you will not be able to renew your travel insurance while traveling.

Travel insurance can be purchased in person at Saman Insurance Agency in Tehran or online at the Saman Insurance website. Insurance policies purchased online are valid even if the insurance company's seal is not affixed. Furthermore, you have six months from the date you purchase your insurance to leave Iran and use your insurance policy. You can purchase travel insurance for each of your travels for a maximum of 92 days, or three months.

If you have any problems or become ill while traveling, simply call the helpline number listed on your insurance policy, and you will be immediately assisted to go to the nearest medical center, and your medical treatment costs will be covered under the terms of your insurance policy.