It is indispensable to get guarantees from the West: MP

March 11, 2022 - 21:44

TEHRAN- The representative of the people of Tehran in the parliament has stressed that there will be no deal until all sanctions against the Iranian nation are removed.

Speaking to Mehr regarding the Vienna talks, Esmaeil Kosari said the Americans violated the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and failed to fulfill any of their obligations in violation of international law. 

He said that the U.S. officials showed they are not even loyal to their own signatures and failed to hold out their own promises by withdrawing from the internationally agreed accord. If they wanted to get back on track, the MP suggested, they should make concessions to Iran and fully fulfill their obligations under the agreement. 

“The Islamic Republic of Iran fulfilled all its promises and commitments, but the Western side, by its non-compliance, set the scene for Iran not to enjoy the JCPOA-related benefits,” the parliamentarian added. 

Kosari went on to say that Iran and its people have stood well against the Westerners, especially the United States, over the years and have shown that they can solve many of their problems through resistance.

“On the flip side, we have shown Westerners that they should respect and abide by their agreement as well as commitments,” MP said, adding “consequently, obtaining guarantees and verifying the lifting of sanctions is important because the Western states party to the JCPOA did not fulfill their obligations.”

The Majlis representative also pointed out that there is a perception among Iran’s enemies that the country has suffered many economic woes due to the sanctions imposed by countries like the United States. On the contrary, he said, Iran has overcome many problems by relying on the internal strength to nullify the repercussions of sanctions. 

Iran will not allow any sanctions to hinder its progress and prosperity, he remarked. 

Kosari underscored that the Western countries, including the United States, seek to strike a deal more than the Islamic Republic. 

He added Tehran’s message is clear: “No agreement will be reached until all the sanctions of the Islamic Republic of Iran are lifted in a verifiable way.”