Incidents in Herat, Kabul intended to undermine Iran-Afghanistan ties: interior minister

April 15, 2022 - 13:34

TEHRAN- Attacks against Iranian diplomatic missions in Afghanistan were intended to sow strife between the two neighboring countries, Iran's Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi said late on Tuesday.

These moves are aimed to sever relations between Iran and Afghanistan, Vahidi. 

“Some are seeking to divide Iran and Afghanistan, and this is the enemy’s plan,” Vahidi told reporters.

The minister added these acts are “preplanned”.

Referring to the two countries' long history and good relations, he stated that the Iranians have always been “good hosts” for Afghan refugees, and that the attempts in Herat and Kabul were “unacceptable” and were almost certainly intended to cause convulsions.

“Iran has always been a good host for Afghan refugees and the actions of some individuals in Herat and Kabul are unacceptable,” Vahidi said.

He went on to say that “Afghan officials should take care of these issues.”

On Monday, Iranian diplomatic missions in Kabul, Afghanistan's capital, and Herat, the country's third-largest city, were attacked.

A small group of Afghans gathered outside the Iranian embassy in Kabul, and a bigger group assembled outside the Iranian consulate in Herat, chanting slogans and throwing stones at the building.

They attempted to enter the consulate but were unsuccessful after the governor of Herat interfered. After Taliban troops and consulate guards opened fire in the air, they dispersed.

According to certain sources in Herat, the event was caused by two groups: the Afghan Freedom and Justice Movement and Women Justice-Seekers, both of which were supported by the West prior to the Taliban's rule. According to reports, these organizations have called for protests in the coming days.

In a recent interview, Iran's ambassador to Afghanistan, Bahador Aminian, warned that “a plot is coming”.

Iranian government spokesman Ali Bahadori Jahromi reacted on Wednesday to the incidents, saying Iran and Afghanistan share a common civilization, cultural history, as well as values and these serve as formidable obstacles against the plots intended to create rift between the two nations. 

He also said long years of “kind-hearted coexistence” between Iranian and Afghan refugees are an example of strong bonds between Iranian and Afghan people.  

Iran has been hosting millions of Afghans since the Soviet invasion of the Central Asian country in 1980.