Raisi sends message to Xi, says Iran willing to deepen ties with China

October 1, 2022 - 20:2

TEHRAN - In a message delivered to his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on Saturday, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has reaffirmed Tehran's readiness to cultivate full collaboration with Beijing.

In an extended message, President Raisi wished his Chinese counterpart a happy National Day falling on October 1.

"Iran and China, as two countries opposed to unilateralism, have many grounds for comprehensive development of relations, and there is no doubt that the serious will of both sides to implement a comprehensive strategic partnership draws a clear perspective to realize the common interests of the two countries," Raisi underscored.

In reference to world’s challenges, President Raisi stressed, “The current world is facing challenges that, in order to overcome them, it is necessary to increase the cooperation of independent countries and find global solutions.”

Ayatollah Raisi went on to remark that “undoubtedly, the serious will of the two sides to implement a comprehensive strategic partnership draws a clear perspective for strengthening ties and realizing the goals and common interests of the two countries, so I would like to express the readiness of the Islamic Republic of Iran to strengthen all-round cooperation with the People's Republic of China as much as possible in the form of bilateral mechanisms and in the framework of multilateral arrangements and institutions.”

He further emphasized that Iran appreciates the Chinese President's "global development" and "global security" initiatives since they are founded on the interests of all nations, aim to increase welfare, and improve world peace and stability.
The day was designated as the People's Republic of China National Day following the communists' triumph in October 1949.