Iran, Russia, Damascus review political, international developments surrounding Syria

April 3, 2023 - 20:13

TEHRAN- Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Ayman Sousan and Iranian senior adviser to foreign minister for special political affairs Ali Asghar Khaji have discussed the most recent topics pertaining to bilateral relations as well as political and global events surrounding Syria.

On Monday, Khaji, who is leading an Iranian delegation to Moscow for a four-party meeting on normalizing ties between Ankara and Damascus, met and spoke with Sousan.

The involved parties include Russia, Iran, Syria, and Turkey.

The two parties spoke about recent bilateral relations as well as regional and global developments in Syria during the meeting.

Khaji highlighted the commitment of Iran to keep supporting the dialogues for the political settlement of disputes between Damascus and Ankara while welcoming the new developments in international relations and bolstering stability in addition to security in Syria.

For his part, Sousan stressed the necessity of enhancing collaboration between Iran and Syria.

On Monday in Moscow, Khaji also met with Mikhail Bogdanov, the special envoy of the Russian president for Middle East and Africa.

The most recent events in Syria and the region were discussed by the two parties during the meeting.

The parties offered their backing for the restoration of normal relations between Syria and Turkey within the framework of quadrilateral meetings and based on international law and regulations as well as good neighborliness.

They emphasized the need to remedy the current disputes between Damascus and Ankara through a diplomatic resolution and political dialogues.