The Shanghai defense pact should be established 

July 9, 2023 - 23:7

In a commentary, the Iran newspaper addressed the recent statements of the Western countries at the UN Security Council by pointing to the views of Abolfazl Zohrevand, an expert on international affairs.

It said: Europe and America have suffered a heavy failure in advancing their main plans, including psychological warfare against Iran in recent months. Western countries played a comedy in the Security Council and showed that they cannot be trusted at any point. Europe knows that Ukraine's playing field will not have any advantage for it. Therefore, the West should not be allowed to start a new game regarding alleged sale of drones to Russia or any other excuse to avoid fulfilling its obligations. Now we can create a level of deterrence with our partners. Although whenever they have talked about negotiations, we declared our readiness because the bounced check from the JCPOA is in our pocket and we are "creditors". Mr. Raisi, as the president of a stable country that is now permanent member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, can now propose forming the Shanghai defense organization. Iran, Russia and China are the main players and the rest of the members are under threat from the actions of the West. We must launch the Shanghai defense treaty.

Vatan-e-Emrooz: Traveling to Africa with strong diplomacy

In an analysis, Vatan-e-Emrooz addressed Mr. Raisi's planned visit to Africa, which will start on Tuesday. It wrote: In order to strengthen relations with aligned countries and in line with diversifying export destinations and creating areas for political and commercial cooperation, Raisi will start a 3-day trip on Tuesday morning to Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe at the official invitation of the presidents of these countries. This is the first visit of an Iranian president to the African continent after 11 years, which is intended to increase Iran's presence in the 600-billion-dollar economy of the African continent. In continuation of diplomatic strategy, which means restoring balance to foreign policy in line with national interests, the 13th government has based its activities on developing relations with all countries and does not seek its interests only in European and Western countries. Therefore, contrary to the previous government, which heavily prioritized expanding relations (with the West) within the framework of the JCPOA, Raisi has done well in developing relations with other countries, and it is expected that by making these trips, Iran will strengthen its bilateral relations with other countries, especially African countries.

Javan: BRICS currency is the promise of de-dollarization for the world

Javan discussed the gathering of BRICS countries in South Africa. It wrote: These countries are going to put the issue of de-dollarization on their agenda and create commercial currency with gold backing. It is clear that the international monetary system based on the dollar, along with the military power of the United States, has become the two pillars of the American domination over the world. About eight financial sectors that are closely linked to the dollar may be shaken if the new BRICS currency is introduced to the markets. These sectors are banking and finance; oil and gas; commodities; production and consumption; technology; tourism and travel; foreign exchange market; and international trade. In addition, if banking and finance are hit, foreign exchange and international trade and the balance of the U.S. dollar will face problems. The BRICS currency will weaken the dollar and the euro and will benefit countries like Iran as the BRICS countries have welcomed Iran's potential membership in the organization. It seems that with the official invitation of the foreign minister of South Africa to Raisi to attend the BRICS summit (in August), the bases of Iran's proximity with BRICS are being strengthened, and in the future Iran can be considered as the sixth member of BRICS.

Ham Mihan: Failure of anti-religious project of the opposition 

In a note, Ham Mihan addressed the Eid al-Ghadir celebration in Iran and said: One of the most important agendas of the enemy’s moves and the opposition to destroy the image of religion is to launch a widescale media propaganda that religious people are sad and depressed. Also, their goal from the last year's riots and the hijab controversies as a social concept was to present the Iranian society to the world as an irreligious and even in conflict with religion. The media moguls of the enemies have made many efforts to present a false image of the reality in Iran, and now they have to watch the failure of their riot project, because the Iranian society has shown its religiosity on various occasions and proved it with maximum attendance (in events). This failure was so hard that the Western media and the anti-religious opposition groups did not publish the magnificent presence of the Iranian people at the celebration.