19 terrorists linked to MKO arrested in southeastern Iran

October 30, 2023 - 22:52

TEHRAN - In a joint statement on Monday, the General Directorate of Intelligence of Iran's Sistan-Baluchestan province, along with the Intelligence Organization of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC), announced the arrest of 19 members of the Mujahedine-e-Khalq terrorist organization. 

“Upon receiving the initial information, the Iranian intelligence forces took a series of joint intelligence and operational actions, and while closely monitoring and spotting the movements of the MKO members, they identified the affiliated group in a coordinated action and arrested 19 of its members in the province,” said the statement.

The joint announcement also emphasized that in recent months, the MKO had been involved in identifying, recruiting, and training individuals through online platforms. These individuals were later utilized to carry out activities such as assassinations of prominent ethnic and religious figures, instigating riots, causing damage to public property, attacking military and law enforcement centers, and disseminating destructive messages during Friday prayer ceremonies in the province.

The MKO has long been attempting to spread discord in the southeastern region based on ethnic and religious diversity.

Since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, various attempts have been made by the United States, the Israeli regime, as well as their regional allies to subvert and confront the Islamic Republic of Iran. After the failure of the so-called maximum pressure campaign against Tehran, the U.S., Britain, and Israel have poured their efforts into targeting Iran’s security. Supporting the MKO terror organization has been on their agenda.