Iran’s foes are committed to plotting against the country: Top commander

January 13, 2024 - 23:2

TEHRAN – A top Iranian commander says that despite the continuous string of victories, adversaries of Iran remain committed to plotting against the country.

Brigadier General Mohammad Shirazi, head of the military office of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, said on Saturday that present conflict for Iran is characterized as a war centered around ideas and soft warfare.

Addressing the conspiracies against the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Shirazi acknowledged that the country has yet to overcome all challenges. “The ongoing warfare is targeting ideas and sacred discourses, infiltrating the minds of today's youth,” he noted. 

Emphasizing the importance of assessing past actions and performance as crucial steps in the major progress plan, Shirazi stressed the need for swift execution of objectives for the future.

While expressing pride in the accomplishments of Iran in the past 44 years, Shirazi acknowledged the extensive journey ahead. Referring to the Ayatollah Khamenei’s recent remarks, he expressed confidence in an imminent victory for the nation. However, he emphasized the importance of maintaining the necessary reevaluations, ensuring quality work, and sincerity in efforts.