5 artworks from Gilan province to be showcased at 8th Fajr handicrafts festival

February 14, 2024 - 22:55

TEHRAN - In a remarkable achievement, five captivating artworks by skilled artists from Gilan province have earned a prestigious place in the spotlight at the 8th Fajr Handicrafts and Traditional Arts Festival.

Providing insights into the selection process, Mostafa Khanalinejad, the Deputy of Handicrafts and Traditional Arts at the Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts Department in Gilan province, explained that during the preliminary judging overseen by the Deputy of Handicrafts and Traditional Arts of the Ministry, five outstanding works by artists from this province successfully secured coveted spots in the 8th Fajr Handicrafts and Traditional Arts Festival.

Khanalinejad further detailed the selected handicrafts, attributing them to the skilled hands of Shima Rahbaryar, Sharare Kiabi, Sayede Asieh Sadeghi, Mohammad Hossein Shabani, and Zohra Ashuri.

The 8th edition of the Fajr International Handicrafts and Traditional Arts Festival, titled "Sarv-e Simin," is scheduled to take place from February 16 to 20, 2024, in Tehran.

Sarv-e Simin stands out as a grand festival in Iran, characterized by the presence of ambassadors and cultural attachés, with the submission of 5000 artworks from 2000 artisans.

Sixteen countries, including Kuwait, Uzbekistan, Qatar, Pakistan, India, Lebanon, Serbia, Afghanistan, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, China, Colombia, Tajikistan, North Macedonia, Saudi Arabia, and Thailand, are actively participating in this prestigious event.