Turkish police detain Iranian betting sites head

March 16, 2024 - 18:57

TEHRAN- Turkey has arrested the Iranian ringleader of a betting, gambling and organized crimes site, the Turkish interior minister has announced.

Ali Yerlikaya wrote in a message on X social media platform on Saturday, “Saeed Amiri, the head of an organized crime organization that controls illegal betting and gambling sites in Iran and launders the proceeds of crime in Turkey, was arrested in Operation Kartel 6 in Izmir.”

Sa’dollah Amir Shaghaqi, known as Saeed Amiri, was living under fake IDs in the Turkish city of Izmir and was trying to flee the country.

Yerlikaya said four of Amiri’s accomplices were also arrested and six other people are already under investigation.

The Turkish police discovered and confiscated 120 thousand dollars, 80 thousand euros, and 9 watches worth 500 thousand dollars, 10 cars, 15 companies, and 17 properties during the operation.