The false prestige of the West

April 27, 2024 - 22:20

TEHRAN - Kayhan devoted its editorial to the widespread protest of American university students against the crimes committed by the Zionist regime against the people of Gaza.

It wrote: Al-Aqsa Storm has removed the mask from the deceptive and real face of the leaders of America, England, France, Germany, and many Western countries. Moreover, the massive protests of American students have become the scene of disgrace of all the lies of American and Western leaders regarding freedom of speech, human dignity, the status of students and universities, and even women. This is the beginning of a terrible blow to the prestige of the West, which has important adventures ahead. If one-thousandth of these brutal encounters against students, especially American student girls had happened in Iran, from the American government and Western countries to the United Nations Security Council, from Western media and international organizations to Hollywood actors, they would have tried to show Iran in a bad light and protest against the Islamic Republic. But now no American actress, who was concerned about Iranian women in the riots of 2022, protested against the cruel and brutal suppression of American student boys and girls.

Iran: The umbrella of economic diplomacy over regional relations

In a commentary, the Iran newspaper addressed the strategic diplomacy of the 13th government in the region and said: Since the beginning of the 13th government, economic diplomacy has been considered not as a tactic but as a "strategy". This diplomacy has been pursued for nearly three years since the Raisi administration took office, focusing on cooperation with neighboring countries and eastern countries. The approach of looking to the east can be evaluated in two geographical and political aspects; from a geographical point of view, Iran has designed its approach in terms of the geographical proximity component with the countries that are located in the east of Iran on the map, which includes all the countries of East Asia. But the other side of this approach, from a political aspect, has considered the development of relations with countries that are in the process of confronting the unilateralist policy of the United States, and have put the strengthening of multilateralism on their agenda. This economic diplomacy, whose main goal is to achieve the aims of a "resistance economy", means that the government follows its approach in developing relations with neighboring countries in the first place and then with distant countries, especially in East Asia.

Sobh-e-No: Israel is hated in the world

Sobh-e-No dedicated its editorial to the West's efforts to support Israel. The paper said: The "True Promise" operation flaunted Iran's combat, military, and security capabilities to the world. It was a purposeful and deep operation that even the Western media could not damage with all their propaganda. But now, by sanctioning Iran, the West intends to soothe Israel, and with sanctions, they want to compensate for the severe security, intelligence, and defense failure of this fake regime. After the European Union asked for more sanctions against Iran, Israel interpreted it as a political failure but today, the ineffectiveness of the sanctions has become apparent to everyone, and the Islamic Republic has proven that by neutralizing the sanctions, it has been able to continue its path of progress, authority and independence with strength. But the one that has failed politically is the Zionist regime, and today, we are witnessing an uprising in all parts of the world among students of universities against this criminal and usurping regime. They ask for stopping the genocide and killing of Palestinians and cutting off financial relations with the Zionist regime and Israeli companies.

Ham Mihan: Expansion of Tehran-Moscow military cooperation

In its headline, Ham Mihan pointed out the meeting of the defense ministers of Iran and Russia in Kazakhstan and wrote: This meeting and declaration was made while Russia is engaged in a war of attrition in Eastern Europe and is under international pressure. The Middle East is also in a state of instability. The war in Gaza continues and its scopes have reached the Red Sea. In this situation, the level of tension between Tehran and Tel Aviv has risen a step higher, while Moscow and Tel Aviv have extensive relations. It is possible that the Russians wanted to play a role in this tension. The expansion of Tehran-Moscow military cooperation could lead to the strengthening of Iran's defense capability. Western countries accuse Iran of cooperating with Russia during the Ukraine war. Although this accusation has not been proven and has not been confirmed by Tehran, it has challenged the relations between Iran and Western countries. Therefore, the military cooperation with Moscow can be seen as part of bilateral defense relations with this country.