Global endorsement of Palestine quest to join UN shows Israel complete isolation: Iran

May 12, 2024 - 22:15

TEHRAN- Iran has applauded the world community for supporting Palestine’s application to join the UN, saying that this shows how isolated the Israeli regime has become during its fabricated history.

The remark was made by Nasser Kanaani in a post on X on Saturday, one day after the UN General Assembly unanimously approved a resolution calling on the Security Council to reevaluate Palestine’s application to join the UN as a full member.

Kanaani also noted that “the Zionist regime is living in a situation in which it is more isolated than ever throughout its fake history. The American authorities have been left alone in blindly supporting it even among their own people.”

“The decisive vote of the international community in support of Palestine's full membership in the United Nations clearly shows the isolation of the Zionist regime and the U.S. in the international community,” he added.

Kanaani continued, stating that “an international consensus has been formed more than ever before in support of the oppressed Palestinian people” in response to U.S. officials’ overt and covert backing for Israeli atrocities in the Gaza Strip.

He said, “The international community has spoken out against the Israeli regime’s genocide, forced relocation, occupation, and child killing.”

The resolution urging the reassessment of Palestine’s UN membership application was led by the United Arab Emirates (on behalf of the Arab Group), and it was approved by the UN General Assembly on Friday.

Nine nations abstained, while 143 countries voted in support of Palestine’s status being upgraded at the international organization.

Additionally, the resolution recognized Palestine as being eligible to become a full member of the UN by granting it additional “rights and privileges.”

The largest backer of the Israeli regime, the United States, has so far vetoed pertinent resolutions, obstructing Palestinian attempts to acquire full membership recognition.

Palestine was given the status of non-member observer state by the UN in 2012. A minimum of two-thirds of the General Assembly must then approve an application to become a full member of the UN.

The resolution was passed at a time when worldwide calls for the recognition of the State of Palestine had become stronger due to the Israeli regime’s genocide in the Gaza Strip.

In the conflict that Israel started on October 7, 2023, in response to a retaliation operation by the resistance forces in the Palestinian territory, at least 34,943 Palestinians—mostly women and children—have been killed and 78,572 wounded.

Iran’s UN envoy reaffirmed Tehran’s unwavering support for Palestine’s full UN membership, calling it a critical first step in redressing the historical injustices suffered by the Palestinian people.

The UN General Assembly supported Palestine’s application for full membership on Friday, stating that it is eligible to join, urging the UN Security Council to “reconsider the matter favorably.”

After the U.S. vetoed the Palestinian request in the UN Security Council last month, the vote by the 193-member UNGA was a global survey of support for the initiative, which would essentially acknowledge Palestinian statehood.

In a statement before the UNGA, Iranian Ambassador Saeed Iravani explained why Iran believes Palestine must be a UN member state.

Iravani said, “The Islamic Republic of Iran acknowledges and supports the General Assembly's decision today. The decision represents a modest yet crucial step in fulfilling the international community's obligations toward the people of Palestine and restoring some of Palestine's inherent rights.”

“Palestine has demonstrated its commitment to peace and its ability to fulfill the obligations under the UN Charter. Consequently, it deserves full membership in the United Nations.”

He said, “We trust that today's vote sends a clear message to the Security Council. Upon the adoption of this resolution, we hope that the Security Council will be able to reconsider its previous stance regarding the Palestinian request for full membership.”

“The Islamic Republic of Iran firmly believes that support for the cause of Palestine and the Palestinian people must continue until they can realize their fundamental rights, in particular their right to self-determination and the establishment of an independent State of Palestine in all occupied territories, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.”