Jordan, next haven for MKO terrorists?

June 21, 2008 - 0:0

Jordan will reportedly provide sanctuary for the terrorist organization MKO amid speculations that the group will soon be expelled from Iraq.

Jordanian Interior Minister Eid Al Fayez has called on Amman’s international airport to facilitate the entry of members of the terrorist group Mujahedeen Khalq Organization, revealed a Nahrain Net report.
This report comes amid calls for the MKO’s expulsion from Iraq.
According to sources close to Iraqi bloc al-Tawafoq, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recently requested Jordan to increase its cooperation with the terrorist organization, which has lead to the establishment of MKO headquarters in the country’s capital, Amman.
The MKO is blacklisted as a terrorist organization by many countries, including EU member states. The group has been involved in the killing of many civilians during the reign of late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and has so far claimed responsibility for various terror attacks inside Iran.
As the group trains anti-government elements and backs insurgents, it is now considered a threat to Iraq’s national security.
After the U.S. invasion of Iraq, MKO members were moved to a camp in northeastern Baghdad where they enjoy U.S. protection.
(Source: Press TV)