Expert proposes establishment of museum for visually impaired children

January 10, 2011 - 0:0

TEHRAN -- Expert on renovation of historical items Leila Kaffashzadeh has proposed that a museum for the visually impaired children be established.

“Existing museums in the country could even dedicate a special section for the blind in which the historical items can go on show, if budgets will not allow establishing a separate museum for them,” she told the Persian service of Fars on Sunday.
“Using the moulage technique, the historical items can be made to create the opportunity for the visually impaired children to touch the items,” she said.
“This would create an educational opportunity for all children to interact with historical items through touch. They would also benefit from gaining a better understanding of the challenges facing the blind,” she explained.
The idea was previously proposed at the conference held on the needs of children with special disabilities organized by the Children’s Book Council of Iran and it was warmly received there, she said.
Held almost two weeks ago at the Iranian Artist Forum, the conference was followed by a small exhibit of historical items made in moulage.
The items were made by Reza Mohammadi and they mostly covered Iranian historical items such as the Bam Citadel, Pasargadae, Persepolis bas-reliefs, the Cyrus Cylinder and several other items, she said.
The missing or damaged parts of the items were covered with the colored sandpapers so that the children could understand and feel the difference, she added.