Iranian Company Wins Tender for Building Power Plant in Oman

August 9, 1998 - 0:0
TEHRAN An Iranian company will build a power plant of 40 megawatts in Oman Sultanate, it was disclosed yesterday. The $16-million power plant will be built by Iran Power Plant Projects Management Co. known as MAPNA by Persian acronym. MAPNA Board of Directors Chairman Mohsen Safaei Farahani in an interview with the TEHRAN TIMES said, Our company last week got contract for building the power station through an international tender.

Farahani voiced optimism that his company will com[complete the project on time and does not foresee any trouble. He is also advisor of the Minister of Energy Habibollah Betaraf. Farahani said that several international companies from France, Italy and India participated in the tender. But, said he, MAPNA terms and conditions were most suitable and the work was given to it.

Our company has all necessary technical facilities to build the power plant and it was one of the reason that contract was given to us, Farahani said. He said MAPNA is currently building eight projects Arak Thermal Power Plant 4x325 mw, Montazer Ghaem Combined Cycle Power Plant 3x105 mw in Karaj, Shahid Rajai Combined Cycle Power Plant, 3x100.6 mw in Qazvin, Fars Combined Cycle Power Plant, 1x102.5 mw in Shiraz, Khoy Combined Cycle Power Plant, 1x104.7 mw, Shariati Combined Cycle Power Plant, 1X104.5 mw in Mashhad, Neishabour Combined Cycle Power Plant, 3x100.5 mw and Azarbaijan Thermal Power Plant 2x325 mw.