Poetry & Palm Congress Winds Up

December 24, 1998 - 0:0
TEHRAN A congress entitled Poetry and Palm, which was held in commemoration of Martyr Chamran and Martyr Mofatteh, wound up in Tabriz on Friday. According to the public relations department of the congress, several officials including governor-general of East Azarbaijan Province, chancellor of the Islamic Azad University and deputy commander of the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces for cultural affairs attended the closing ceremony of the congress.

Speaking at the ceremony, the governor-general of East Azarbaijan province praised martyrs Chamran and Mofatteh for their services to the Islamic Revolution, saying that the greatest achievement in the life of martyr chamran was his martyrdom. He expressed hope that universities and theological schools would be able to train pious and devoted individuals like martyrs Chamran and Mofatteh. The governor-general underlined that the congress was a positive step in the direction of meeting the society's cultural and artistic needs and that holding such congresses would encourage people to become further active in the above fields.

Meanwhile, Seyed Nezam Mowla Hoveizeh, the secretary of the congress, elaborated on the activities of the Office of Culture and Resistance affiliated to the Islamic Azad University and thanked the participants for attending the congress. Chancellor of the Islamic Azad University, Abdollah Jasbi, referred to the devotion of those defending the country during eight years of sacred defense, saying that such a devotion cannot be seen in other countries.

He added that in wartime, through devotion and sacrifices of its combatants, the Islamic Republic of Iran managed to resist the world of atheism. Jasbi further underlined that, today, the universities and theological schools shoulder a heavy responsibility to revive and safeguard the memories of martyrs. It is worth noting that the secretariat of the congress received some 800 poems, 100 of which were selected and read by contemporary poets at this congress.