Iran, allies agree to end terror in Idlib: Zarif

September 7, 2018 - 23:32

TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Friday that while President Donald Trump is busy humiliating U.S. allies with “little games”, Iran and other responsible actors have agreed to end terrorism in Syria’s Idlib. 

“As @realDonaldTrump destroys US credibility & humiliates his 'allies' with "little games", we're delighted to engage with responsible powers today in Tehran to further move towards political solution in #Syria. Agreed to work to end terrorism & avoid human suffering in #Idlib,” Zarif tweeted.

It came as the presidents of Iran, Russia and Turkey met at a key summit in Tehran to discuss key issues of interest, mainly a planned Syrian operation to retake Idlib. 


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