By Hamed Z. Qadim, human science researcher

Fear of globalization

October 10, 2018 - 11:35

Fear of transformation of identity is the common feeling in most of Western countries as it once was the common feeling of the under developed nations. Trump’s speech to the UN General Assembly, was a vivid announcement of this fear in at least part of the Western world, when he stated that United States is no longer looking for Globalization and suggested the world to turn into Nationalism as an alternative for all the states all around the world. 

During the World Cup 2018 in Russia, looking at astonishing results of countries not famous for their football and losses of national teams that used to be traditionally the winners of football matches, suddenly I came to a vision that no longer the so-called first-world developed countries have dominance in the modern world. Globalization accompanied and facilitated by information technology has led into development of under developed countries.

Cultural transcendence has removed many of the subjective obstacles of development in the developing countries. Acquisition of engineering knowledge in many of developing countries made enormous industrial growth possible while increased awareness and mastery over international law and regulations, has led into ending of dominance of the developed countries. The achievements of modern human in philosophy, mathematical and natural sciences, sociology, psychiatry, and politics are no longer the heritage of the developed world and they belong to the whole humanity.

On the other hand, globalization has not only transformed the underdeveloped world culture but also has made the cultural exchanges possible too. As noted by Dariush Shaygan, cultural hybrids, that are the next generations of the migrants to Western countries, actually are the drivers of this cultural mixing. Incapability of modernity to respond to spiritual needs of the modern human, is the motive to look for other cultural capacities. Cultural hybrids who possess the cultural heritage of the pre-modern world and are living with the modern lifestyle, lead the cultural transformation. Hybrids are rightful heirs of cultural heritage of the East and the West and thus represent a life pattern which is built on this cultural mix.

The reaction of the right-wing conservatives of the Western world from Europe to America to the cultural evolution and transmutation of Euro-American identity through diffusive presence of non-Western nationalities, is very similar to what has been experienced long time ago back to the beginning of the process of modernization in the East and underdeveloped world.

Fear of losing identity and cultural transformation, once, was the most challenging debate of the elites in the underdeveloped countries. Still in many of the developing countries, the fundamentalists have concerns about the cultural impacts of modernity. But all in all, so was the modernization process inevitable in the underdeveloped world as a historical era, globalization impacts are inevitable in the West.

The rhizomic growth of roots of Eastern-Western cultural mélange brought by the migrant hybrids and virtual social network into Western life is an unplanned organic process. So is the destined development of the underdeveloped countries and ending of dominance of developed world over the entire planet of earth. The Western man is experiencing the same fear and pain, the Oriental man had experienced and the human experience proves that the right way is not to get back, but to move forward. Acceptance of the innate values of different cultures, critical thinking about the cultural disorders and considering the human achievements through the history as a shared intellectual heritage of humanity, ends the latent and vivid racism in the international medium and leads into equality of all human beings.

President Trump may not understand that he has no choice in ceasing the globalization process but the modern world should intelligently opt for conscious movement in that direction. Fundamentalists all around the world, from the East to the West, have an unseen alliance to fail intellectuals with human development. So the important question is, how intellectuals unite to overcome this fear?

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