“Common Borders” to gather Iranian, Turkish artists in Tehran

November 11, 2018 - 18:57

TEHRAN – A group of Iranian and Turkish artists will showcase their latest works in an exhibition titled “Common Borders”, which will open at the gallery of Mellat Cineplex in Tehran on Friday.

Majid Abbasi Farahani from Iran and Denizhan Özer from Turkey are the curators of the exhibition.

Over 40 artworks in various media, including photography and painting, by 11 Iranian and 10 Turkish artists have been selected for the showcase, Abbasi Farahani said during a press conference in Tehran on Sunday.  

“The exhibit aims to put the spotlight on cultural affinities between the two countries that would help the participating artists become more familiar with the styles of each other’s works,” he said.

Mustafa Albayrak, Demet Taspinar, Tansel Türkdogan, Gül Yidiz and Vicdan Nalbur are among the Turkish participating artists.

The exhibit will also put on display works by Hamed Jaberha, Vahid Danaifar, Navid Azimi, Leila Emadi, Katayun Karami and several other Iranian artists.

The exhibit will later travel to Istanbul.

Abbasi Farahani also plans to organize exhibitions with a number of Pakistani and Azerbaijani artists in the near future.

Photo: A poster for “Common Borders”.


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