Top MP advises Europe to take Iran’s ultimatum seriously

June 19, 2019 - 18:8

TEHRAN – A senior Iranian lawmaker on Wednesday advised European parties to the 2015 nuclear pact, also known as the JCPOA, to take Tehran’s 60-day ultimatum seriously.

On May 8, exactly one year after U.S. President Donald Trump quit the JCPOA, Iran adopted a countermeasure announcing its decision to abandon limits on its uranium enrichment stockpile unless Europe makes a decision within 60 days to shield it from the U.S. sanctions.

Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh, chairman of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, said

European countries must take Iran’s 60-day ultimatum seriously and end their inaction regarding the agreement.
He made the remarks in meeting with a member of the German Parliament Matthias Hohn in Tehran, Mehr reported. 

Falahatpisheh said the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has certified Iran’s compliance with all its commitments under the JCPOA but Europe has taken no positive, practical measure after U.S. withdrawal from the deal.

The top MP also said Iran’s parliament welcomes expansion of ties with Germany based on mutual respect.

For his part, the German MP said that boosting ties with Tehran in political, economic, and cultural fields is of significant importance for Berlin.

Hohn, who is also the head of a non-proliferation committee in the German parliament, highlighted that JCPOA bears great significance for the world and that all sides are responsible for saving it.

It is clear that Iran has abided by all its commitments under the deal, he said, expressing the hope that European countries’ efforts to keep the deal alive would prove fruitful.

He also called on Iran to practice more restraint, adding that it will take time for Europe to fully establish the proposed mechanism to continue trade with Iran.

Europe introduced its special purpose mechanism for trade with Iran in January, however it has not become operational yet.

Under the JCPOA, Iran agreed to put limits on its nuclear activities in exchange for termination of economic and financial sanctions, however, with the return of sanctions, which are even harsher than the previous ones, the validity of the multilateral agreement has come under question by the officials and the public.


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